NorCal Sheltie Rescue, Inc. - Waiting at the Rainbow Bridge
The Rainbow Bridge
Inspired by a Norse legend
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a Hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

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Sallie’s body finally gave out on her in mid January 2021. Her sweetness made her very special and dear to her foster folks, Tina & Gary.
January 2021
I lost my little Bella last week (April 2021). She was almost 15 ½ and absolutely the sweetest dog I’ve ever met. Even my vet said that she was the sweetest and “most chill” sheltie she’d ever seen. It was really by accident that I saw her on the NCSR website in 2014 and then couldn’t stop thinking about her. I still can’t believe I was lucky enough to get her. It was also my first introduction to the group and I’ve been blessed with two wonderful dogs from you, Bella and Bernie.
April 2021
Yankee rescued us five years ago. At 7 years old, he quickly fit in beautifully. He did everything with us, from daily runs to vacations. Everyone loved his calm, gentle nature. He didn’t chase balls or play tug-a-war but he followed our every step indoors and out. We were so lucky to have him. We will miss him very much. Bill & Wendy
June 2021
Though this is an old photo, it is one of my favorites with Stany and his big (Great Dane) "sister" Sarah. More than once we got to go places and do things because these two brought us along. They were truly the dynamic duo. Don
June 2021
Sweet little Lacy (on right) made it to 15 years prior to succumbing to multiple organ failures including gall bladder, liver and kidneys. Her foster mom was with her to the end. Thank you, Nancy, for taking such great care of Lacy!
June 2021
Kasey had a great retirement with Angel and her mom as super caregivers to this darling boy. Despite all their wonderful efforts, Kasey’s frailties caught up with him. Thank you both for being with him while Kasey peacefully slipped away.
June 2021
Laddie’s foster mom took Laddie in for his last visit to the vet to hold him while he peacefully passed away. Laddie, 13 years young, came to us with health issues, the most critical was horrible breath indicating an unhealthy mouth with cracked and loose teeth and puffy, red, and infected gums. He’s much better already after 22 extractions. Laddie was on a prescription diet to treat his struvite bladder crystals to dissolve them before they can form into stones. An eyelid growth was removed
Laddie didn’t hear very well, and was very attentive to his foster mom, Regina, who took him with her as she went about her daily errands. He patiently waited for her in his crate in her car. It took just a couple of days for them to recognize how special the other one is to become fast friends.
We’re very grateful to the loving hearts of foster moms like Regina’s who care for these special Shelties until their natural time is up.
August 2021
Peaches was horribly crippled with arthritis, needed a dental badly and was one lost little soul. Collie Rescue volunteers, Luz and Bob, agreed to foster Peaches and thus began her journey to a much healthier state and becoming a hoppy girl and member of the family pack with two beautiful sable Collie girls. Her arthritis was managed the best it could be with medication, hydrotherapy and acupuncture (the latter two treatments donated by Luz and Bob!) Peaches had a couple of bouts of vestibular disease, a not uncommon inner ear condition occurring in senior canines causing loss of balance, severe nausea and vomiting. Luz patiently helped Peaches through these scary occurrences with Peaches coming through them just fine. Her charmed life came to an abrupt end when she suffered a fatal stroke after enjoying her breakfast. We like to think of Peaches, limber and beautiful, waiting for her special foster mom, Luz, at the Rainbow Bridge.
August 2021
Rosie came in to us in 2015 and has been in our Special Needs program ever since. Rosie was part of a multi-Sheltie confiscation in northeastern CA. Then 10 year old Rosie had one of the worst cases of bladder stones her veterinarian had ever seen. She had suffered for years. She had a recurrence in 2017 so she underwent two bladder stone and polyp removal surgeries since she became part of our foster family. Her bladder issues were managed with diet and supplements and she remained otherwise healthy and happy until at age 15 she started failing rapidly with advanced renal disease. Foster mom, Tracey, held her as Rosie quietly passed away. We like to think of Rosie laying in a bed of soft, fragrant rose petals as she waits at the Rainbow Bridge.
August 2021
What a lovely lady Maddie was. As sweet as any Sheltie could be, she was actually adopted at the ripe old age of 13! Maddie passed after a brief illness, leaving a huge hole in her adopter’s heart.
Summer 2021
These sisters came into our program together in their twilight years. They passed away from different health issues several months apart. While with their fosters, then their adopters, Mary Ann and Tom, this lovely pair enjoyed some of the best years of their lives!
Gracie & Freida
Sadly we lost our boy Trusty recently due to Kidney Failure. Once he was diagnosed we did our best to keep him comfortable and with us as long as possible. We managed to do that for 82 days after he was diagnosed. He fought the good fight, but once he started the decline we could see how uncomfortable he was. We had Peaceful Pet Passing come over and held him in his favorite chair while we said goodbye. He was such a good boy and we miss him and his sister terribly. He is now reunited with his sister, Lady. He has missed her since she passed in January.
January 2022
Honey, such a beautiful and sweet female sheltie, a rescue we adopted in Sep 2019, passed away from bladder cancer (Transient Cell Carcinoma) after being misdiagnosed for 5 months with a urinary tract infection. We tried our best with cancer treatments for 3.5 months but unfortunately we found out too late. Our hearts continue to be heavy as we only had her for 2.5 years. She was such a joy and blessing to our family. We know why her original fur parents named her Honey as she was truly sweet and loving.
Rosa & Darryl
10/03/2009 - 02/11/2022

With great sadness we had to say good-bye to Dilly, our energetic, lively, and very vocal sheltie collie on Monday. Eleven years ago, in August, Dilly came to us via NorCal Sheltie Rescue with an estimated birthday of March 2010 making him about 12.5 years. I learned early on that he was smart when I had him in his new crate complete with metal latches down the hall. Before long, he was next to me in the kitchen. I examined the crate and found the door wide open. I know I had it latched properly, and he figured out how to open it! He later progressed to figuring out how to let himself in and outside to our backyard through our dining room door which was a time saver for us. When he figured out how to unlatch the gate to the front yard though, we had to secure it with a bungee cord making sure he never observed us hooking it to the latch. We decided Houdini would have been an appropriate name for him.
Dilly was curious about everything and always up for playing with his toys. He was rambunctious and sneaky at times but chill when he was with a vet, his groomer, or sleeping on his back with all four paws in the air. We are thankful for our many years with Dilly and that several family and friends recently got to see him. Our constant companion of 11 years now lives on in our hearts and memories.
In loving memory of Dilly, Janine & Ray
March 2010 - Sept. 2022
2021 to Present
I wanted to let you know that I had to say goodbye to Aiden this past weekend. He stopped eating and told me it was time. He was a once in a lifetime dog and was so loved by so many. I'm so glad he stayed around long enough to spend some time with his new little brother, Tanner. I think he heartily approved.
11/22/07 thru 7/10/22
Sadly we lost our sweet girl, Lady, in January at the age of 13 ½ . We miss her so much!
Diane E.
RIP January 2022
On April 21st. we had to let Tessa go after repeated struggles with her health. She had 8 ½ wonderful years with us. She was the sweetest, most gentle girl. Three years ago we moved from our home in San Francisco to Oakland, where she had a garden for roaming. Tessa also had a new companion, Alfie, a little Terrier mix, we adopted in 2019. She had a happy life, and was most loved.
In the last couple of years she had declined and nearly died last March. She had kidney failure and a digestive tract infection. Tessa was given 3 days to live, but we managed to save her, and give her one more happy year. In the end, she was very sight impaired, deaf, toothless, and her hips were compromised, so her quality of life had significantly deteriorated. When she went off her food, and was no longer even drinking, she lost 5 pounds and we knew it was time. We were so happy to have had those years with her.
Linda & Mick
RIP 4/21/22
I wanted to express our heart felt thanks to you for the years of joy and love you indirectly and directly brought into our home as the direct result of the NCAL Sheltie Rescue program; and for Susan opening her home to temporarily foster our Sheltie, Cocoa Bella.
Our Bella, who would have been 14 in two weeks, had congestive heart failure, and today we had to help her to the rainbow bridge to avoid further suffering after working with her Vet. Needless to say, we are heart broken, but grateful as well for Bella being our little girl for so many years. We are also grateful for the work you do/did to provide kindness and care for these loving fur beings. Cheers to Bella’s princess life! She will be sorely missed.
Warmly and gratefully, Brian & Ted
Posted: Dec. 2022
Beloved member of my Sheltie & Collie Family, Bailey led quite a magical life! He was a Ninja, at Pet Pride 2017 winning Second Place and as a Junior Giants Baseball Mascot during the Pandemic 2020 but he so amazingly more…Bailey was a constant companion, brave-hearted and smart, knowing a vocabulary of over 20 word - his favorite “cheese”. He loved the beach, chasing birds and snow trips to Tahoe with Kona (Collie), the love of his life! He will be missed by neighbors and friends both human and K9s - he met over 100 doggies + one cat boarding with us. Bailey passed on August 31, 2022 only 9 years young. He left a trail of broken hearts: Kona, Luna, and Niko and. . . . me, Sonia.
XXO Bailey, ‘til we meet again in Heaven!
RIP 8/31/22
Dressed as a Junior Giants
Baseball Mascot
This is my 17” rescue who passed last year. Wonderful, happy, agility dog.
Posted: Dec. 2022
I miss our Sheltie, Annabelle, so much that I still take a few moments to adjust to my
mornings. Then, wet kisses by our two new Sheltie puppies remind me that life abounds with
their energy, that it is finally spring and I am revived.
In December of 2022, Christmas eve, I awoke a couple of mornings after her passing, knowing
immediately, my world was a lot sadder. The winter sun slowly lit our room until it shaded
over again due to impending rain. The realization she was gone and my heart broken into
pieces invaded my thoughts. Our beautiful, elegant, Annabelle; our ‘Rescue’ Sheltie; was not
climbing up the doggy steps onto our bed, as she did most mornings. With her weakened hind
legs she struggled to get footing as she climbed up her doggy steps onto our bed and Rich,
my hubby, would leap out of bed to help boost her so she could nuzzle into us with her “good
morning kisses.”
She had been declining over the past couple of years through several UTI infections and
multiple visits to her vet meant that she became a favorite among the techs and her vet. Her
weakened hind legs were a result of a temporary paralysis incident specific to some Shelties,
and just age itself. But she always managed to walk with us outside and hobble down to the
mail box with a quick bark, to ‘go get the mail’ and to pee. Sometimes it was only a few steps
outside where she would look back at her house to watch her humans and playfully bark at
the kitty or the puppy, Misty Ray. At 13-1/2 years, we were so lucky to have her in our lives.
May 2009 to December 2022
Our story began in late summer 2009 when I called and talk to Theresa Gary at Northern California Sheltie Rescue. I lamented
that my daughter had moved out with her dog and our 3 year old mini Sheltie, Rocky, was heartbroken and depressed. He laid
around and was gaining weight. I told Rich about Terry and her mission lost, surrendered and older Shelties who might have
medical issues and to care for them until they could be placed with a permanent home. Rich had easy criteria. He told me to
request a sable, female, puppy. (Seriously?)Terry reminded us, both, that this was a rescue and that we might have to wait a
long time or, we might want to accept a blended Sheltie. Well, as fate would have it, Terry called in September of that same
year and she told us of a 5 month old, sable, female that was to be surrendered to the Rescue in Sacramento from the Santa
Cruz area where we were from.
Serendipity, then, that her clients with the dog lived very near us. So while Rich was at work, I requested a visit to meet her
and was granted an appointment. Rocky went with me and we met Annabelle. Gorgeous! Big gangly redheaded 5 month old with
beautiful blaze and mahogany highlights. Rocky, who was no dummy, took one look, one sniff and that was it! These two were
made for each other. After taking care of business with the NorCal Rescue representative, Annabelle joined us and we waited for
Rich to get home from work. Rich is a tall man and I thought there would be an acclimation period. But he dropped down to his
knees and elbows and looked right at her. She stared back. He then told her she had a big nose and that was it! She was all
over Rich and they were pals. Annabelle was our family.
She lived a wonderful life with us. She played and slept with her trusted and beloved friend, Rocky, our rescue mini Sheltie who
was 3 years older. The two traveled most places with us; camping, long road trips, long walks on the beach, to the dog park
outings. She would ride (facing backwards) in her crate on the back seat of our large F350 Truck; We visited our kids and
grandkids. If we travelled, and couldn’t take her, our housemate loved caring for her, Rocky and our cat; part of a loving trio.
While we were travelling, our neighbors and their older kids would come over and get her, and Annabelle would follow them next
door to visit. Everyone loved her. We could take her anywhere, leave her anywhere and she just chilled, a calm presence. No
dog ever showed aggression toward her. If they got too close, she would bark and remind them she was Queen Bee and needed
her personal space. She was well mannered. Sit, Down, Stay, On your bed, ‘show me’ (to do her business) get your toy and so
Our loss is profound. Friends, Annie and Lauren, took beautiful pictures of her over the years while grabbing her for a walk or
special moment. We are grateful to have her memory with us. I will forever see her resting on her pad in the kitchen watching us
prepare meals or in her fluffy donut in the family room, or outside by the garage on her rug watching Rich work and enjoying the
fresh air; in the back yard sharing a bed with Rocky and our kitty; or in our bedroom where she always kept an eye on us. Many
thanks to Terry and her staff for matching her to us. She was and will continue to be a special gift to us.
Kimberley & Rich
I had the privilege and joy of living with my sweet and beautiful Gemma for 10 wonderful years. Her early life was difficult and there were so many times I wished she could talk so I could better understand the horrors she experienced before she landed with NorCal who adopted her to me. She gracefully lived in a household of four cats and a deaf mini Aussie where organized chaos reigned and we created a contented little family. Her love of apples, strawberries and peanut butter tempted her cautious nature and allowed her to be braver than she thought she could be! She was a homebody, and she owned the front door with courage!
I miss the sounds of her nails on the hardwood floor, the slight whine at dinnertime to remind me to get it served, rubbing the inside of her ears, feeling her generous fur coat, her ever watchfulness and having her next to me throughout the night. The look in her beautiful eyes showed through to her soul. I miss her to the moon and back, and just know she is running pain free with our pack members who went before her. I cling to the belief that some day, we will all be together again!
2011 - 2023
2008 - 2022
My sweet and very handsome Sheltie boy, Koda, took a very fast downturn in his health.
Koda was born on December 11, 2008 and that meant he had recently turned 14 years
old. Our vet and I had to make the decision that's so difficult to make, but so very
important for our pets. After reviewing symptoms, tests and other diagnostics with a
canine cancer specialist, it was a unanimous conclusion that this was almost certainly
Lymphoma and that Koda, in his current condition and at his advanced age, would suffer
greatly from chemotherapy - and likely would not tolerate any available treatment
regimens. My heart was breaking for him. Over just a few days, he began to refuse
every kind of food or tasty treat I could find for him. Everything. So, there was no
choice for me. Dr. Scott came to my home and helped him peacefully cross over the
Rainbow Bridge --while cradled in my arms and with his devoted sister Sheltie, Bonnie,
nearby. I was so grateful to be able to do this at home instead of at the clinic.
I found some of my emails with Terry Gary from back in the summer of 2014, when Koda
first came to us as a very fearful and anxious foster boy. I remember that the ladies
brought him to me secured with two leashes and collars to be sure he didn't bolt from
the street noise or any other loud noises! From the time he came to us his fears began
to dissipate, and within a year or so, they almost completely disappeared. He lost all of
his excess weight and had become one of the happiest, most social, and most loving
Shelties I have ever known. Koda and Bonnie (also a rescue from a BYB with serious
anxiety and fear issues) bonded immediately and they never left each other's sides since
the day he came to live with us. In Koda's last days, Bonnie spent every moment lying
near him, watching over him... day and night. We both miss him so much.
We have lost our beloved Teddy, a Sheltie-Pomeranian mix we adopted in May 2021 from
NorCal Sheltie Rescue when his owners could no longer care for him. Teddy was a little
guy with a big heart who loved snuggling and showering us with kisses. He’d sit and wait
patiently - big brown eyes fixated on us - until invited up on the sofa. Teddy practically
hung on our legs if we left the room. Every morning he’d greet us by twirling around on
his hind legs and whimpering excitedly. He had only to catch a glimpse of his leash to
know it was time for a walk. Teddy’s favorite nap position was on his back with all four
legs in the air, his special toy his Snoopy doll. We had worried that Teddy and our older
dog Cody might not get along, but they soon became inseparable soul mates who loved
to play together and lie close to (or on top of) each other.
In May 2022, our sweet 8-year-old boy was diagnosed with inoperable, terminal prostate
cancer. While we knew the disease would eventually take him, we tried everything to
keep Teddy with us as long as possible, including chemotherapy. He sailed through his
treatments and was the darling of the clinic staff. Sadly, by August the cancer had
spread to his bladder and lungs, so we ended the chemo. For five more months, Teddy
enjoyed his normal, happy life - you’d never know he was ill. Every day with him was a
gift. When his health began to quickly decline, we let Teddy go peacefully rather than
see him in pain. We were devastated, but took comfort in having our vet say that while
we only had Teddy a short while, we’d given him a lifetime of love. We miss our Teddy
bear terribly, speak of him often, and will never forget the joy he brought us.
Wendy & Dick
May 2014 - Dec. 2022
- She was rescued from that Susanville puppy mill on 9/13/2015.
- She was presumed to be 9 years old at the time.
- I adopted her July 21, 2016 when I realized it would have been difficult to give her up.
- I had her for over 7 years.
- She succumbed to cancer 11/22/22 at the presumed age of 16.
When I first brought her home I set up a pup tent in my kennel (it was raining) and slept
with her for a few nights to try to provide comfort since it was an unfamiliar place.
When I woke up in the morning Baby Girl was sleeping behind my head, sharing my pillow.
I knew then that she wanted to trust but was leery, and that I would have to earn it. It
took months for her to come around to me. She would hide in bushes around my
property and I would literally have to find her. She never ran from me, but her comfort
zone was hiding. I'd find her, pick her up, bring her in the house and I'd hold, talk and
pet her for hours each day.
Baby Girl
Passed: November 2022
Poppy came live with us on Dec 16, 2017. She was found roaming the streets of Santa Rosa, CA when she was lucky to come to NorCal Sheltie Rescue. She was afraid of everyone and everything.. but with lots of time she became braver and braver…. She loved to dress up, she would stand a little taller, it was her special thing.. none of the other pups dressed up.. She just wiggled her way into my heart.. after 4 1/2 years, just a few weeks ago we lost her unexpectedly.. Now she’s with all the other pups, no fear, pain and lots of love.. Poppy you’ll always be in my heart.
Lisa & Lou
Posted: Dec. 2022
She eventually came around, after months to the point of not hiding, but watching the interaction between my other dogs and
me. She would follow me when I was working out on the property. She learned the dog door from watching the other dogs and
never had an accident in my house which came as a total surprise considering her previous life as a neglected dog. In time she
would sit on the couch with me, eventually played with the other dogs, and wanted to sleep on my bed with me. I did earn her
trust and her love but it took a long time and a lot of patience. She was very attentive in the later years not letting me out of
her sight, even so much as waiting behind my drive gate if I had gone somewhere in my truck. She waited until I returned. It
made me so happy to see her turning circles, wagging her tail when I exited the truck and opened the gate. Baby Girl got the
happy life she deserved - finally. I got a best friend. The rescue/adoption was a win/win for both of us. I know not all those
years she experienced at the puppy mill were erased from her memory but she knew she was safe and loved by me and finally
had the life she deserved. I just wish I had gotten more time with her. Seven years wasn't nearly enough. I miss her every
day. She ended up to be my little shadow. The house isn't the same without her but I've got great memories. She was a gift
and I can't thank you enough for letting me help with the rescue and adoption. (Dang it, just writing this -- now I'm crying).
(Editor’s note: I’m crying too!)
A beautiful spirit with a heart full of joy. Sadly when we rescued her from a Valley animal shelter her cancer was too advanced. Such a sad ending for a lovely little lady. She instantly captured the hearts of her NorCal Sheltie Rescue foster family -- Lisa, Lou and Debbie.
Posted: May 2023
Adopted 11 year old Sammy in 2022. He slept on my bed at night (didn't like to be in a dog bed) and laid next to me on the sofa. He’s was very affectionate. Played ball like a champ. Rode well in the vehicle. Good appetite. Impeccable house manners. Gone too soon.
Posted: May 2023

- Baby Girl was rescued from that Susanville puppy mill on 9/13/2015.
- She was presumed to be 9 years old at the time.
- I adopted her July 21, 2016 when I realized It would have been difficult to give her up.
- I had her for over 7 years.
- She succumbed to cancer 11/22/22 at the presumed age of 16.
When I first brought Baby Girl home I set up a pup tent in my kennel (it was raining) and slept wither for a few nights to try to provide comfort for them since it was an unfamiliar place. When I woke up in the morning Baby Girl was sleeping behind my head, sharing my pillow. I knew then that she wanted to trust but was leery, and that I would have to earn it. It took months for her to come around to me. She would hide in bushes around my property and I would literally have to find her. She never ran from me, but her comfort zone was hiding. I'd find her, pick her up, bring her in the house and I'd hold, talk and pet her for hours each day.
She eventually came around, after months to the point of not hiding, but watching the interaction between my other dogs and I. She would follow me when I was working out on the property. She learned the dog door from watching the other dogs and never had an accident in my house which came as a total surprise considering her previous life as a neglected dog. In time she would sit on the couch with me, eventually played with the other dogs, and wanted to sleep on my bed with me. I did earn her trust and her love but it took a long time and a lot of patience. She was very attentive in the later years not letting me out of her sight, even so much as waiting behind my drive gate if I had gone somewhere in my truck. She waited until I returned. It made me so happy to see her turning circles, wagging her tail when I exited the truck and opened the gate. Baby Girl got the happy life she deserved - finally. I got a best friend. The rescue/adoption was a win/win for both of us. I know not all those years she experienced at the puppy mill were erased from her memory but she knew she was safe and loved by me and finally had the life she deserved. I just wish I had gotten more time with her, 7 years wasn't nearly enough. I miss her every day. She ended up to be my little shadow. The house isn't the same without her but I've got great memories. She was a gift and I can't thank you enough for letting me help with the rescue and adoption.
(Dang it, just writing I'm crying)
Baby Girl
Posted: July 2023
Zoe enjoyed six months in our care. She loved the peaceful garden and water feature at her fosters’ home. It was a surprise when she passed away one night. We are grateful for the loving care she received while in cared for by Kimberly & Todd.
October 2023
Rion was beloved by Barbara and Joe as soon as they met. He was a special guy who is deeply missed.
October 2023
Such a sweet girl and adored by her mom, Sandi, and her Sheltie “brother” Georgie.
October 2023
Shane was rescued from a home where he lived with an owner who could no longer care for him. For months, he lived in isolation and reacted fiercely to any visitors. When NorCal Sheltie Rescue intervened, his rescuers were unable to approach him without fear of being bitten. Fortunately, Tina and Gary persevered, came back another day, and wound up adopting this wonderful dog who just needed to be socialized, exercised, and loved. He lived a great life, full of personality and shenanigans, and welcomed foster brothers and sisters with grace.
Posted: October 2023
Charlie came into rescue at the age of five, with a history of biting his humans and his canine brother. He lived in an active, chaotic household with two parents, three children of varying ages, a pool, and many neighbors. He took his herding duties seriously and tried to corral all his family all the time. Terry and Clif fostered him and gave him a calm, quiet environment in which he could relax and settle. They adopted him and he lived to be almost fifteen years of age - happy, healthy, and enjoying a stress-free life.
Posted: October 2023
Wolfie was rescued from a dog pack in Montana after his owner died. He lived outdoors, wild, and was a true feral dog. Two NorCal Sheltie Rescue volunteers drove to Montana and brought home six dogs, all in reasonably good health but with no social skills or human contact. Terry and Clif fostered Wolfie for several months and later found Lucie and Frank to be the perfect permanent home for him. For many years, he thrived in his new home, in the company of other dogs and cats. He was able to finally relax and know he’d be well cared for, not having to worry about where his next meal would come from. He lived to the ripe old age of fifteen.
Posted: October 2023
When NorCal Sheltie Rescue received a call from an owner needing to surrender her Sheltie, Lucie responded immediately. She warned us that she had a history of being a “failed foster mom” and that Casey would not be going up for adoption. That proved to be true. Casey was a young dog at the time and Lucie and Frank adopted her within a week. She lived a good, long life with them and all the other assorted animals in the home.
Posted: October 2023
One day a breeder contacted NorCal Sheltie Rescue, requesting to surrender three puppies. She was moving out of state and couldn’t place the dogs. Truly was fostered by Terry and Clif for only three weeks before being adopted by Rebecca. She lived to be fifteen years old, excelling in performance sports and experiencing an active and interesting life with her young owner.
Truly Scrumptious
Posted: October 2023
Tony came into NorCal Sheltie Rescue as a six-month-old pup whose owner didn’t realize what raising a Sheltie puppy would mean to her lifestyle. He was briefly fostered by a volunteer who was unable to continue his care. On a stormy night, in the middle of winter, he was transported to his new foster home. Pat and Jack welcomed him to their home, and their other two Shelties, and said they doubted he’d be going anywhere else. Within three days they decided to adopt him. He loved people, dogs, and places, always showing his good nature and calm demeanor, a true ambassador for the breed.
Posted: October 2023
Bailey was a failed show dog prospect when he grew too tall to meet the maximum allowable height requirement. NCSR offered to find him a fantastic home so he was fostered by Gale Ann and never left. Bailey filled a special place in Gale Ann’s life and while he outlived the odds by surviving cancer until he was over eight years old, it finally beat down the door and took Bailey off to the Rainbow Bridge. He lived with cancer for over 6 years with dignity. Bailey was a lovely example of our breed. He was always admired at the public events where Sheltie Rescue participated. He was a bit of a ‘velcro’ dog, but that was fine. Bailey’s beauty and sweet temperament are sorely missed.
Posted: October 2023
We helped 15 year old Brighid to the Rainbow Bridge after one year in our Special Needs program. Brighid came in with a lot of health issues which we worked through to keep her comfortable. Her former owner used to say that Brighid was perfect in every way and Brighid’s foster mom agreed completely. Brighid was a happy girl with a very sweet temperament.
Posted: December 2023
Sadly Risk wasn’t with us long. She was underweight and suffered from serious systemic health issues. We relieved her of the burden of her failing body by helping her reunite with her owner on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.
Posted: December 2023
Daisy came to us through Sheltie Rescue in 2018 at the age of 9. My mother adopter her and when had tome into memory care in January 2020 we took Daisy into our family. Sadly she passed away in June of 2023 at the age of 14 ½. Daisy loved to p lay and was a great retriever. She really bonded with my husband who really loved her.
Posted: January 2024
Georgie (left), came to into my life first and two months later Maddie (right) joined our family. Within 15 minutes they had bonded. Maddie was emaciated at 12 pounds, and sensing this, he encouraged her to eat with him, side by side. She soon gained weight and became healthy. Georgie took her under his paws, teaching her to potty outside instead of using the pee pads she had used in her previous life. Maddie adored him, flirting and playing and always staying close by.
Georgie was a vocal Sheltie. His daily walks consisted of barking at grazing cows and two Collies who lived around the corner - a Sheltie’s dream come true! He used to wake me up every morning and would bark every night at bedtime, my Sheltie alarm clock.
He was a brave little soldier as medical issues arose. I miss both Georgie and Maddie and take comfort in knowing that they are waiting together at the Rainbow Bridge.
Sandi V.L.
Georgie & Maddie
(A Sheltie Love Story)
Posted: March 2024
We adopted Sarah when she was nine years old and lost her when she was twelve. She was an amazing Sheltie, very intelligent, she became a very loving family member. Sarah will always be remembered in our hearts.
Wanda & John
Posted: April 2024

How did I get so lucky? I wasn’t looking for a dog but this sweet, stoic, trusting, loving angel came to stay awhile and bring more love to my life. Buddy was old, soon diagnosed in kidney failure, in desperate need of a comfy place for an old dog to stay, and where he could also have his best friend, geriatric Bonnie here with him.
Buddy had a stoic manner, no drama ever, and accepted what was going on. He was deeply affectionate, often coming up to me to get hugs and pets. Never any pushiness, just showed up. I knew what he wanted.
In spite of all that was ‘wrong’ with this place for him, he adjusted and within a month, he was a ward of NorCal Sheltie Rescue and I was a Forever Foster for both him and Bonnie. I could not bear the thought of moving them again so it was easy to sign up. He and Bonnie had the kitchen and dining areas as their ‘spaces’ and spent most of their time on beds set up for them. The other dogs were free to mingle.
Almost always touching as they rested and slept, the sight of them brought me peace and contentment. They were not “outside” dogs and I had to remind them of their heritage living and working in awful weather whenever the ‘Humboldt Mist’ seemed intolerable but it was time to go out and do their stuff!
Buddy left us about a month ago, after an increasing problem with chronic nose bleeds which didn’t go away with a cursory round of antibiotics and topicals, so we concluded it was likely a tumor. We let him go one afternoon when symptoms were increasing and for the first time, he looked unhappy and stressed.
It was tough to see him go. We had fallen in love and he did so well for so long (March 2022) that we began to think he was immortal. I worried about Bonnie losing her Buddy but she soon began engaging with the others. She can’t help but be missing him but, like he was, she is a resilient and happy dog.
Thank you, Buddy, for stopping by. You were the best.
Thank you, NorCal Sheltie Rescue, especially Gale Ann and Teresa, for their support and encouragement as I had my first adventures with Shelties. The two of them together were the most precious gift ever. And, thank you to Maureen, a vet tech at the clinic where I go, who needed to find a place for her parents’ dogs, after they could no longer stay there. She trusted me to keep them safe and well and she gave me a lot of support.
~ Jean ~
11/08/2008 - 08/24/2024
Boomer arrived in March 2022 when he was 12. He came to us with periodic seizures, liver disease, stage 4 dental disease (on a scale of 1-5) and pretty advanced arthritis. Always a gentle soul, Boomer, gave unconditional love and took all his meds easily in pill pockets. Monthly Adequan injections for his poor hips helped him immensely and contributed to him living a long life without intolerable pain.
Rest well, little friend. You were amazing, especially considering all of your health issues. You are missed a lot.
~ Paula ~
05/17/2010 - 08/22/2024