NorCal Sheltie Rescue, Inc. - Waiting at the Rainbow Bridge
The Rainbow Bridge
Inspired by a Norse legend
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a Hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

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Tanner.....a beautiful soul and Sheltie
Reborn in Senior Years When Rescued From A Shelter
02/02/2010 - 04/20/2012
Dearly loved....deeply missed...our hearts are heavy.
Never tell me you cannot bond deeply with an older dog.
Tonya and Evelyn
Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn's rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there, I did not die.
By Mary Elizabeth Frye

Lucy, was born May 1996 and died peacefully 16 years later on May 21, 2012. She leaves behind a grieving Gail who was blessed with almost 4 years of Lucy's friendship and companionship. Lucy was surrendered to be euthanized after her first owner passed away, but the veterinarian recognized a beautiful sheltie that had many more years of life left. By way of the Norcal Sheltie Rescue team and Angela, Lucy became my confidante and companion when I needed her most. She joined me on adventures and we went on our own private dates. So many humans became fans of the big, blue merle with a big heart and sense of humor to match that my email box and social website are filled with Lucy-remembrances. I am thankful for every minute that we spent together but I'd give up a fortune to be able to give her a hug and a treat once more. Goodbye, Lucy, I know that you are making the other dogs and the Maker laugh on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. Save a few jokes for me. Gail C.
May 1996 to May 2012
A very reserved and beautiful girl (which she knew) Jazzie's eyes were always fixated on me. Waiting at the front door until I returned from errands. Would let me know when the big brown truck was on our street. Never barked at visitors, always nosy with polite pet-me greeting. She would climb our stairs (which became harder) to find me on the computer to take a nap or nudge me for dinner. When I watered our backyard plants Jazzie would follow me around in the garden. Whenever I was on hands and knees gardening, she would come “to help me” and I would give her a hug. I will miss our walks to the park and her smelling the flowers along the way. . . yes she did that! Luanne in Sunnyvale
June 2012
June 2012
From the beginning you had a heart of gold, a beauty within that could never be sold.
The trials you came from no one will know but the love that you showed us continually grows.
A happiness you expressed each and everyday, until illness finally took you away.
A short time you were here with us on this earth but in that time you showed us life's worth.
Limitations and fear never held you back, your love of life kept you on track.
Goodbye beautiful little white dog with the biggest heart, your leaving has made it hard not to fall apart.
With vision and truth of seeing you again in a better place, will help me deal without seeing your precious face.
The love that you showed me cannot be undone and for that my sweet friend you will never really be gone.
Love Always,
Your Momma

CHIP 1995-6/16/2012
A cranky old man who declared me his person..... separation anxiety that often drove me crazy as he was always under my feet, and wouldn’t eat unless I was nearby. A pest who would follow me around the house while the other dogs were slumbering in their beds... Extra work as he required belly bands and ‘Poise’ pad changes several times per day.....stool incontinent .....Whined and whimpered if I had gone to bed and he awoke in my office, until I picked him up to sleep at the foot of my bed....wrapped in a fleece blanket during the winter, he would sleep like the dead while everyone else was up and about - until he heard the clatter of spoon against food dish, and then he was ready in the kitchen. If he came up against something that was scary, like my mother’s foot, he would bite the shoe and bark at it. Strangers reaching for him also resulted in a snap. Ghosts in the night would elicit a snark that no one else could see.
Chip was one of the most challenging fosters I’ve ever been ‘gifted’ with, and although with me less than a year, became endearing. He loved me. I was his person. But his chronic age-related medical problems were becoming too much for him: chronic penile and bladder infections, upchucking, diarrhea, pain, reactions to medications, and frailty where he could have been knocked down with a feather. I wanted him to make the decision for me, like Tanner did. I wanted to *know* with a certainty that it was his time. It didn’t come that way, but his diarrhea this morning on top of the return of the penile infection made the decision for me. Chip could have gone on longer, just like the EverReady Bunny Rabbit, but with what quality? Dr. Mary assured me this morning that his chronic medical problems had been managed appropriately, and they would never get any better. With a heavy heart, the decision was made.
So, with Chip in my arms, he received the sedative and I held him until Dr. Mary came back in for the last time. And another bed was put away, along with Chip’s dish. The collar he borrowed was returned to my Bryony’s ashes. And another star has lit the sky tonight.
Sleep well, dear Chip......tomorrow will be a new day playing in the sunshine, free of all belly bands, and whole again.
This photo was taken this morning after I made the difficult decision
June 2012
Meadow came into Sheltie Rescue when all of our foster homes were full. Michelle was on our waiting list and when we told her that Meadow was waiting for rescue at the Oakland animal shelter, she immediately went over the shelter, fostered her through her veterinary rehabilitation and then made Meadow hers by adopting her. Sadly, three short years later Meadow lost a battle with kidney disease, but as Michelle wrote, "I am forever grateful I had Meadow for as long as I did!" NorCal Sheltie Rescue is grateful for people like Michelle who give so much to these beautiful animals.
June 2012

Britt - 12/1999 - 6/2012
Britt went to the Rainbow Bridge this past June after giving me 7 wonderful, loyal years. It is because of her that I became involved in fostering for NorCal Sheltie Rescue. She was such a wonderful dog and I wanted others to have the same experience. I was privileged to adopt her from her breeder, Lourie, when she was 5 years old. It took some time and lots of treats, patience and determination to get her to warm up to my family but once she did - she wouldn't leave my side for anything. She was very regal (I believe she knew how gorgeous she was, being a past show champion) and while she was reserved with strangers she was very nosy at the same time! Fetch was her game - she could play for hours. Breakfast, Dinner and Biscuit times were always her favorite words! She was quirky, sweet, smart and beautiful as all get out and I miss her so terribly.
Britt succumbed to old age in June. I like to think she lived a very long, happy and "spoiled" life, between her time with Lourie and with me. Now she has been joined by Rosie at the Rainbow Bridge, where they both wait for me. Rest in peace, my Queen!
June 2012

Rosie 10/2004 - 09/12
Rosie came to me in October of 2008 originally as a rescue for me to foster, but she decided she'd like to stay....and oh boy stay she did! What with her winning personality and being an absolute snuggle bunny - not to mention being a natural comedienne, how could she not? She loved walks, people, kids, other dogs, visits to the dog park, car rides, tug of war, balls, and of course - breakfast, dinner and biscuit time. I also swear that little dog could understand conversations. She let me cry in her fur, knew when I needed a laugh, comforted me during my darkest hours, gave me reason to rush home after work and though loyal, could be a big fat traitor if any stranger wanted to scratch her belly.
It is devastating for me to write that she accidentally ingested poison and though the vet tried very, very hard, she was unable to save her. Her life was too short, but she brought me so much joy and happiness and I am just so thankful to have her for the length of time that I did. Rosie was an absolute gem.
Rest in peace, crazy dog..... Angela
Sept. 2012
We want to thank you for rescuing this little boy when he absolutely needed to be. I was totally shocked of the photos you sent when Prince was first rescued looking so ragged and disheveled. I can't imagine him ever being in that condition, but his cute recognizable face told the truth. It's also amazing how much he improved when we adopted him from you.. He had some rough early years in life and went through a lot, but wonderful concerned people came through for him and we're forever grateful that he lived a quality life with us which he so richly deserved. It will never be the same without our beloved Prince.
Love, John and Terri
April 2013
Gracie was a happy dog and loved to run. She loved everyone and every animal. In fact she spread her love and kindness in the last hours of her life. We were in the vet's office after Gracie had seen the Doctor. While I was waiting to get her meds, I was sitting on the bench with Gracie on my lap. At that time there was another lady in the office. She was there with her daughter who was having her cat put to sleep. The lady was crying and sat down on the other end of the bench. My sweet little angel got off my lap, walked down the bench and climbed on the lap of this grieving lady. Gracie will be long remembered by many because of the joy and love she brought. I am blessed to have had her in my life. Helen
April 2013
Kai was the joy of my life and the sweetest dog I have ever had. He loved everybody and I don't think I ever heard him growl , even when the other dogs would take his food. He let them climb all over him and would just lay there. He was a gentle giant. I will miss him very much and my other furry kids will too. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to adopt him. I am sure now he will be running with Oliver again.
Pat C.
May 2013
Buzz was one sweet senior boy who was lucky enough to be adopted by Joe & Ann and a companion to them and their very young sable girl, Lily. Buzz was a gentle, comforting companion for the family for the short years he was with them. His new family sensed that Buzz must have started out with a happy beginning because once he got comfortable and over his lnitial distress at changing owners, there was a remarkably well mannered, fun and loving boy. Buzz evolved to become the center piece in our family and shared an especially close bonding with Joe. Cancer took Buzz too soon at the age of 13. All who met him fell in love with his sweet and gentle nature.
Joe, Ann and sheltie sister, Lily, all miss Buzz.
Buzz Lightyear
June 2013
One of the Montana "Sheltieranians" (Sheltie/Pomeranian) caught in a 75+ Sheltie confiscation a few years ago. Spencer like to perch up high for a good view. He was a loving companion to Marie.
February 2014
February 2014
Woody came to us from the Yolo County SPCA when his owner didn't come to claim him. This turned out to be a lucky day for both Woody and Steve, his adopter. Woody quickly became Steve's boon companion and sidekick. Always up for a walk and hangin' with his man. Woody is sorely missed.
Corky was adopted from NorCal Sheltie Rescue in August 2005. He died in May, 2014 at the ripe old age of 15. He was a well loved family member who brightened our days.
May 2014
Cody was a delightful walking companion for San Francisco residents John and Nancy. He knew all of John friends they met during their treks and Cody was an expert at getting treats and pets from all of them. Deeply loved and sorely missed, Cody and John were a familiar pair in their neighborhood
Gracie came to us after her person died. She was used to being a pampered only dog, and we were a little worried that she might feel overwhelmed in our home with one other dog and three cats. Her spunky personality quickly laid those concerns to rest as she made friends with everyone in the house, especially the biggest cat. The two of them frequently indulged in their favorite game: cat-chases-dog. Her beauty and gentle personality made her favorite of everyone who knew her. Cancer took our lovely girl at age 11.
Kari & Mark
December 2014
Apples spent most of the first year of his life alone in a backyard, before being surrendered to NorCal Sheltie Rescue. When we met him, he was an extremely timid dog who trembled with fear at the sight of a person, even if they were not particularly close. With patience, encouragement, and a lot of treats, we worked through those fears and found that the sheltie behind them was actually an outgoing, friendly dog. He was taken from us too soon when a bad reaction to a medication caused a blood clot. We feel fortunate to have had him in our lives.
Kari & Mark
December 2014
Tasha loved to go for walks and playing at the dog park. While there she would go up to every person to bark at them to say hello and to give her a pet. She made the rounds this way. Tasha would meet her former foster mom's shelties at the park for a play day. She would know they were there and start barking thru the gate to greet hem, then run down the hill to start playing. Despite having a rough life prior to coming into Sheltie Rescue, Tasha was never mean and enjoyed every day. Both her adopter and her foster mom miss her sorely, she leaves a big hole in our hearts.
Rosemary (foster mom and pet sitter)
Nancy (adopter mom)
July 2015
Princess was one of the first special needs Shelties to be featured on our "Sponsor a Special Needs Sheltie" webpage. This petite little "Antique Angel" was being loved and cared for by her hospice foster moms, Claudia, Kathie and Liliane. She let Kathie know when it was time to make her final trip. Kathie lovingly and tearfully accompanied Princess to begin her final journey. We thank the staff at the Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital in Citrus Heights for their support, capable care and generosity. We are grateful to those of you who donated to Princess's veterinary care expenses.
August 2015
Jake lost his valiant fight against his failing kidney ( he was born with just one) in December. He was a bright boy, ready to play until the end when his body was giving out. Foster mom, Gale Ann, and David, her 14 year old sweet boy gave Jake a happy, safe place to live out the rest of his life. We figure he was at least 12 years old when he left for the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you to those who contributed to his extensive bills for veterinary care. Chronic kidney disease requires a special diet, prescription medications and regular blood work to check the kidney values. Your kindness is truly appreciated.
December 2015
Lilly Belle came into Rescue when her owner became ill and could no longer take care of her. Shortly after I adopted her, just before Thanksgiving 2013, she discovered tennis balls and looked forward to her walks because she knew that meant playing ball. She would start barking and jumping around and become energized. Lilly Belle was enamored with other toys that bounced or moved and once surprised me when she started to play with a "moving" toy that I bought for my cat who ran from it. Lilly ignored other dogs but loved people, and even allowed me to put "bunny ears" on her at Easter.
Unfortunately, Lilly was diagnosed with Cushing's Disease a short while after being adopted. Still, she persevered, and everyone always commented on how cute she was, and recognized her appealing virtues. She was adored by all. When she couldn't walk anymore, I used to pull her around in her green cart (photo attached). People loved it and would stop to talk to her and pet her. She was alert and beautiful until the end. Although her life was cut short, Lilly was the perfect dog, a joy and sweetheart, and I feel very lucky to have had her for the two years that I did. I am going to miss her terribly. Lynne
Lilly Belle
February 2016
Bella was fostered, then adopted, by Susan. Bella was truly Susan's "heart dog," one of those very special pets that so completely wrap them around our hearts despite being one beloved pet among many over the years. This portrait of Bella was done by her grandson with much love for his grandmother.
September 2016
Blue thrived with us even with a diagnosis of sciatica and disc disease, which gave him mobility issues. He would trot after foster sister Sheltie, Gracie, his new-found girlfriend. We referred to him as "Bluesey", because of his one blue eye, and also as "Senor", since he likely understood Spanish. He was a very good, good dog, surrounded by his foster home pack in his last year. Both his foster moms were by his side when he crossed to the Bridge.
Thank you for your support of making his last year as comfortable as possible.
February 2016
Kiba lost her brave, quiet battle against renal failure. She came to NorCal Sheltie Rescue after her original owner passed away. Kiba was super-smart, remarkably cute and playful, and even at 14 years old she was often mistaken for being a puppy. Foster folks, Jean & Steve, and dog-whisperer son, Max, were privileged to have been able to provide Kiba with a quality life before her inevitable stroll to the Rainbow Bridge. Greatly appreciated are your monetary and in-kind donations that assisted Kiba in what became her final period of golden time.
February 2016
Ozzie enjoyed some months of peace and loving care while with us. Sadly, his years of neglect caught up with him Christmas night when his foster mom held him as he gently went to the Rainbow Bridge. A sweet valiant little man, all who met Ozzie immediately fell for his quiet dignity. Thank you for your support. It made his time with NorCal Sheltie Rescue as comfortable as possible.
Christmas 2016
2012 to 2016